Monday, January 11, 2010

Some shooting

Last weekend Truls and I got together with my friend and photographer André De Loisted to shoot the next catalog for A/W-10. We started out early outside Malmö with the models Ida Annie Kyllerman, Christina Wenngren and Mårten Charlie Stener Damgaard. I've been beyond tired since, and have turned my hours completely upside down. So here I am at half past 2 in the morning treating you with some behind the set pics. And in my battle against the statistics, I'm not going to publish them all at once. Oh no, you'll have to come back!!!Charlie and the suspenders. Sounds like a band name.

Little Anna had to climb up a chair to reach that gorgeous red ruffle.

Truls And The Grey Cards.

It was insanely cold this January morning. I don't know why they did it.

Oh, what is this my northern eye sees? (That sounded a bit strange...just trying to use an old Swedish expression that is since long forgotten.) What an intriguing coincidence: Both André, Truls and I are wearing Ravishing Mad jeans. Soon I guess there won't be a person I know that doesn't have them, hahaha!

But don't forget now, this is not it. Get your gorgeous arse back here soon again!


  1. Love! Thank you all for braving the cold! I truly need a pair of Ravishing Mad jeans/pants.
